Using the Etch N’ Clean Solution
What you need:
• Stiff bristle broom
• Water supply
• High pressure hose
• Bucket (2 or more gallon capacity)
• Watering can or garden sprayer
• Scraper
The first step of preparation is to scrape off any buildup of debris such as paint, drywall mud and dirt. The second step is to sweep away all the loose debris, dirt and dust from the concrete.
Using a Shop-Vac to clean around all the baseboards, pits and divots will ensure removal of all loose contaminants before applying the etch n’ clean.
Etching is a critical part of the process. All concrete floors require preparation before applying any coatings. By using the etch n’ clean solution, you will be removing such things as oil and other contaminants. This also profiles the concrete so the coating has something to sink into. This ensures adhesion of your epoxy coating and prevents peel ups.
The third step is to mix the etch n’ clean solution with 1 gallon of warm water in a two gallon bucket. You then transfer the mixed solution, preferably in a watering can or garden sprayer to spread the solution evenly of the surface of your preparation area. If you don’t have the aforementioned, you can apply the mixed solution from the bucket by spreading it out in small ribbons to cover the preparation area.
After dispersing the solution, use a stiff bristle broom to scrub the etch n’ clean over the concrete. Aggressively use the broom over any stubborn stains to make sure they are removed.
After you have scrubbed your floor, use a high pressure hose to remove the excess etch n’ clean from the preparation area. Start from the furthest point of the exit area and work your way out the garage opening.
Use the stiff bristle broom to push the excess water out of the garage. After you’ve removed the excess water, please wait overnight to let the substrate sufficiently dry before applying any coating.
Although the Etch n’ clean is a phosphoric acid, diluted with water, it will not harm your grass or plants. In small doses, it actually promotes healthy plants and acts as a fertilizer. If you are still uncertain, please rinse the areas thoroughly that had the excess solution.
Next Video: Step 4 - Mechanical Concrete Preparation